Stefan Helmreich
Elting E. Morison Professor of Anthropology, MIT
Panel: Unfolding Models
Stefan Helmreich examines how biologists think through the limits of “life” as a category of analysis using both empirical and computational methods. Having begun this line of inquiry with his book on evolutionary simulation in Artificial Life, Helmreich has more recently studied marine biologists looking at marine organisms living in extreme ocean environments as well as astrobiologists thinking about life on other planets. As the convener of the “Unfolding Models” panel, he joins participants in asking after the ways in which phenomena in cosmology, epidemiology, and data science are shaped by scientists’ choices of scale and resolution in computer models
Biography: MIT Anthropology
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Symposium Schedule
Panel: Unfolding Models
Video Release: Friday, April 2, 2021 / 9:00am EST
Live Q&A: Monday, April 5, 2021 / 5:00–6:00pm EST
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